class: center, middle  ## Testing open source projects ## Ivan Habunek PHP T-Day, Belgrade, 22.11.2014 --- class: center, middle ## Ivan Habunek ### @ihabunek ***Big Fish Software*** Developer and owner ***WebCamp Zagreb*** Co-organizer ***ZgPHP meetups*** Co-organizer ***Apache Software Foundation*** Commiter and PMC member Open source enthusiast --- ## The code ```none /src/Random.php ``` ```php class Random { public function getRandomNumber() { // Choosen by a fair dice roll. // Guaranteed to be random. return 4; } } ``` Source: `` ??? * You write some logic. * Want to make sure it works as planned. --- ## The test ```none /tests/RandomTest.php ``` ```php class RandomTest extends PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { public function testGetRandomNumber() { $random = new Random(); $actual = $random->getRandomNumber(); $this->assertSame(4, $actual); } } ``` ??? * You write a test * Confirms no obvious errors * TDD afficionados do it the other way around --- ```none /phpunit.xml ``` ```none
``` --- ## Run phpunit ```none > phpunit ``` ```none PHPUnit 3.7.21 by Sebastian Bergmann. Configuration read from phpunit.xml . Time: 0 seconds, Memory: 2.75Mb OK (1 test, 1 assertion) ``` --- background-image: url(images/great-success.jpg) --- class: center, middle # Good enough? --- class: center, middle # Maybe ??? * If the project is not updated often * If you run your tests before each push * I've done releases which didn't pass tests * If you're self-disciplined * If you work on a project alone * Working on an open source project often involves many people * If you're ok with testing on one version of PHP --- class: center, middle # Maybe not --- # Continuous Integration > Continuous Integration is a software development practice where members of a > team integrate their work frequently, usually each person integrates at least > daily, leading to multiple integrations per day. Each integration is verified > by an automated build (including test) to detect integration errors as quickly > as possible. *Martin Fowler (2006)* `` ??? * this is where CI comes into play * integration is a merge to a central branch (e.g. develop) * integrate often * run automated tests * early error detection - early detection of errors => early fixing of errors - contrast to doing long arduous merges after implementing a huge feature --- background-image: url(images/octocat.jpg) --- class: center  ## A hosted continuous integration service for the open source community ??? * Hosted == No installation * Free for open source projects * Very easy to set up * Works only with GitHub * Runs your tests every time your push code --- class: center  ## Supported runtimes Android C C++ Clojure Erlang Go Groovy Haskell Java JavaScript Node.js Objective-C Perl **PHP** Python Ruby Scala --- class: center  ## Preinstalled services MySQL PostgreSQL MongoDB CouchDB Redis Riak RabbitMQ Memcached Cassandra Neo4J ElasticSearch Kestrel SQLite3 --- class: center, middle # Setup --- background-image: url(images/permissions.png) --- background-image: url(images/travis-hook.gif) --- ## .travis.yml ```none language: php ``` --- ## Push! ```none > git push ``` ```none Counting objects: 10, done. Delta compression using up to 2 threads. Compressing objects: 100% (7/7), done. Writing objects: 100% (7/7), 777 bytes, done. Total 7 (delta 3), reused 0 (delta 0) To 8bf4a4d..2cb23eb master -> master ``` --- background-image: url(images/single-build.png) --- background-image: url(images/build-history.png) ??? * Every time you break a build, it remembers * All branches * All tags --- class: center, middle # Configuration --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php ``` ??? Let's talk a little about configuration. This is a basic configuration. --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php php: 5.5 ``` ??? * Sensible defaults --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php php: - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - hhvm ``` ??? * Runs tests once for every version specified --- background-image: url(images/build-versions.png) --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php script: phpunit ``` ??? Use the 'script' parameter to tell Travis how to run your test suite. It holds one or more bash commands. --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php script: phpunit --coverage-html target/coverage ``` ??? You can change it to customize phpunit options. --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php script: ./vendor/bin/codecept run ``` ??? To run other test frameworks. --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php script: ./bin/ ``` ??? Or to run your custom test runner script. --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php ``` --- # Scripts | ---------------- | ------------------------------------ `before_install` | Prepare for installing dependencies `install` | Installs dependencies `before_script` | Sets up build `script` | Runs the tests `after_success` | Runs after build if it was successful `after_failure` | Runs after build if it failed `after` | Runs after build always --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php install: composer install ``` ??? If you use Composer (and you do), use the "install" setting to install your dependencies. --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php install: - composer install - pecl install oauth ``` ??? Also use it to install any other extensions and prerequisites which are not available by default on Travis. --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php install: - composer install - pecl install oauth - apt-get -y install solr ``` --- `.travis.yml` ```none language: php before_script: - createdb testing - psql --dbname=testing --file=setup.sql ``` --- `.travis.yml` ```yaml language: php php: 5.5 env: - DB=postgres - DB=mysql - DB=sqlite script: phpunit --bootstrap=tests/bootstrap-$DB.php ``` --- `.travis.yml` ```yaml language: php php: - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - hhvm env: - DB=postgres - DB=mysql - DB=sqlite script: phpunit --bootstrap=tests/bootstrap-$DB.php ``` ??? Other uses: - Testing with different versions of dependencies - Break up tests to parallelize them across VMs --- background-image: url(images/build-matrix.png) --- `.travis.yml` ```yaml language: php php: - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - hhvm env: - DB=postgres - DB=mysql - DB=sqlite matrix: exclude: - php: hhvm env: DB=postgres ``` --- `.travis.yml` ```yaml language: php php: - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - hhvm env: - DB=postgres - DB=mysql - DB=sqlite matrix: allow_failures: - php: hhvm ``` --- `.travis.yml` ```yaml language: php php: - 5.4 - 5.5 - 5.6 - hhvm env: - DB=postgres - DB=mysql - DB=sqlite matrix: allow_failures: - php: hhvm fast_finish: true ``` --- class: center, middle # Notifications --- `.travis.yml` ```yml notifications: email: - - ``` --- `.travis.yml` ```yml notifications: irc: - "" ``` --  --- background-image: url(images/what-year.jpg) --- `.travis.yml` ```none notifications: campfire: [subdomain]:[api_token]@[room] flowdock: [api_token] hipchat: [api_token]@[room] sqwiggle: [api_token]@[room] slack: [account]:[token]#[channel] ``` --- `.travis.yml` ```yml notifications: webhooks: urls: - "" ``` --- ```none POST /hooks/travis ``` ```code16 { "id": 11127910, "repository": { "id": 1220417, "name": "travis-demo", "owner_name": "ihabunek", "url": "https:\/\/\/ihabunek\/travis-demo" }, "number": "25", "config": { "language": "php", "php": [ 5.3, 5.4, 5.5 ], "before_script": [ "composer self-update", "composer install" ], "notifications": { "webhooks": { "urls": [ "http:\/\/\/travis.php" ], "on_success": "always", "on_failure": "always", "on_start": true }, "irc": [ "" ] }, ".result": "configured" }, "status": 1, "result": 1, "status_message": "Pending", "result_message": "Pending", "started_at": "2013-09-08T18:25:28Z", "finished_at": null, "duration": null, "build_url": "https:\/\/\/ihabunek\/travis-demo\/builds\/11127910", "commit": "fb757c43a96f6cf8886d612943da57a9c06a616c", "branch": "master", "message": "Testing IRC notifications", "compare_url": "https:\/\/\/ihabunek\/travis-demo\/compare\/59cfd34c860a...fb757c43a96f", "committed_at": "2013-09-08T18:24:57Z", "author_name": "Ivan Habunek", "author_email": "", "committer_name": "Ivan Habunek", "committer_email": "" } ``` --- class: center, middle # Pull requests ??? Open source projects are all about accepting contributions. Code review is good. But tests help too. --- background-image: url(images/pull-detemining-status.png) --- background-image: url(images/pull-failed.png) --- background-image: url(images/pull-success.png) --- class: center middle # Speed --- `composer.json` ```yaml { "require": { "symfony/console": "2.5.*", "symfony/filesystem": "2.5.*", "symfony/http-kernel": "2.5.*", "symfony/security": "2.5.*", "symfony/yaml": "2.5.*" } } ``` --- # > time composer install -- `composer.lock` not committed ```none real 0m17.505s user 0m4.400s sys 0m0.500s ``` -- `composer.lock` committed ```none real 0m2.158s user 0m0.559s sys 0m0.275s ``` --- `.travis.yml` ```none cache: directories: - vendor ``` -- Beta, only available for private repositories. --- `.travis.yml` ```yaml language: php env: - TEST_GROUP=models - TEST_GROUP=controllers - TEST_GROUP=views script: phpunit --group=$TEST_GROUP ``` --- class: center middle # API --- .left-column[.text16[ ``` GET /accounts POST /auth/github GET /broadcasts GET /config POST /authorizations DELETE /authorizations/{auth} GET /builds GET /builds/{} POST /builds/{}/cancel POST /builds/{}/restart GET /hooks PUT /hooks PUT /hooks/{} GET /jobs/{} POST /jobs/{}/cancel POST /jobs/{}/restart GET /jobs/{}/logs GET /jobs/{}/annotations POST /jobs/{}/annotations ``` ]] .right-column[.text16[ ``` GET /repos/{} GET /repos/{}/branches GET /repos/{}/branches/{} GET /repos/{}/settings PATCH /repos/{}/settings GET /repos/{}/keys POST /repos/{}/keys GET /repos/{}/caches DELETE /repos/{}/caches GET /repos/{}/builds GET /repos/settings/env_vars POST /repos/settings/env_vars PATCH /repos/settings/env_vars DELETE /repos/settings/env_vars GET /requests GET /requests/{} GET /users/ GET /users/{} GET /users/permissions POST /users/sync ``` ]] --- ```none GET /repos/ihabunek/travis-demo ``` ```code16 { "id": 1220417, "slug": "ihabunek/travis-demo", "description": "Travis demo", "public_key": "-----BEGIN RSA PUBLIC KEY-----\n...", "last_build_id": 39745461, "last_build_number": "31", "last_build_status": 0, "last_build_result": 0, "last_build_duration": 20, "last_build_language": null, "last_build_started_at": "2014-11-02T13:04:47Z", "last_build_finished_at": "2014-11-02T13:05:22Z" } ``` --- ```none GET /repos/ihabunek/travis-demo/builds ``` ```code16 [ { "id": 39745461, "repository_id": 1220417, "number": "31", "state": "finished", "result": 0, "started_at": "2014-11-02T13:04:47Z", "finished_at": "2014-11-02T13:05:22Z", "duration": 20, "commit": "b27189f256ea5da81feadc5727be63c410668bf4", "branch": "master", "message": "Test multiple version", "event_type": "push" }, { "id": 39742247, "repository_id": 1220417, "number": "30", "state": "finished", "result": 0, "started_at": "2014-11-02T12:08:04Z", "finished_at": "2014-11-02T12:08:10Z", "duration": 6, "commit": "424e9f6ab3822776ba6815b31fdd690577fbd5bc", "branch": "master", "message": "Test no version", "event_type": "push" }, ... ] ``` --- ```none GET /repos/ihabunek/travis-demo/builds/39745461 ``` ```code16 { "id": 39745461, "repository_id": 1220417, "number": "31", "config": { "language": "php", "php": [ 5.4, 5.5, 5.6, "hhvm" ], ".result": "configured", "os": "linux" }, "state": "finished", "result": 0, "status": 0, "started_at": "2014-11-02T13:04:47Z", "finished_at": "2014-11-02T13:05:22Z", "duration": 20, "commit": "b27189f256ea5da81feadc5727be63c410668bf4", "branch": "master", "message": "Test multiple version", "committed_at": "2014-11-02T13:04:12Z", "author_name": "Ivan Habunek", "author_email": "", "committer_name": "Ivan Habunek", "committer_email": "", "compare_url": "", "event_type": "push", "matrix": [ ...` ``` --- class: center middle # CLI --- ```none > gem install travis ``` ??? * Written in Ruby * Installed using RubyGems package manager --- ```code16 accounts displays accounts and their subscription status branches displays the most recent build for each branch cache lists or deletes repository caches cancel cancels a job or build console interactive shell disable disables a project enable enables a project encrypt encrypts values for the .travis.yml encrypt-file encrypts a file and adds decryption steps to .travis.yml endpoint displays or changes the API endpoint env show or modify build environment variables help helps you out when in dire need of information history displays a projects build history init generates a .travis.yml and enables the project lint display warnings for a .travis.yml login authenticates against the API and stores the token logout deletes the stored API token logs streams test logs monitor live monitor for what's going on open opens a build or job in the browser pubkey prints out a repository's public key raw makes an (authenticated) API call and prints out the result report generates a report useful for filing issues repos lists repositories the user has certain permissions on requests lists recent requests restart restarts a build or job settings access repository settings setup sets up an addon or deploy target show displays a build or job sshkey checks, updates or deletes an SSH key status checks status of the latest build sync triggers a new sync with GitHub token outputs the secret API token version outputs the client version whatsup lists most recent builds whoami outputs the current user ``` --- ```none > travis login ``` ```none Username: ihabunek Password for ihabunek: ******** Two-factor authentication code for ihabunek: 892962 Successfully logged in as ihabunek! ``` --- ```none > travis history ``` ```code20 #31 passed: master Test multiple version #30 passed: master Test no version #29 passed: master Trying php -m in script_before #28 passed: master Testing pecl install #27 passed: master Testing before_script #26 passed: master Testing before/after hooks #25 passed: master Testing IRC notifications #24 passed: master Testing notifications #23 passed: master Testing notifications #22 passed: master Testing notifications ``` --- ```none > travis show 31 ``` ```none Build #31: Test multiple version State: passed Type: push Branch: master Duration: 20 sec Started: 2014-11-02 14:04:47 Finished: 2014-11-02 14:05:22 #31.1 passed: 6 sec php: 5.4, os: linux #31.2 passed: 3 sec php: 5.5, os: linux #31.3 passed: 3 sec php: 5.6, os: linux #31.4 passed: 8 sec php: hhvm, os: linux ``` --- ## PHP Travis Client ```none ``` ```php $client = new Travis\Client(); $t = $client->fetchRepository('ihabunek/travis-demo'); foreach ($t->getBuilds() as $build) { $id = $build->getID(); $result = $build->getResult(); echo " - $id: $result\n"; } ``` --- class: center, middle # Continuous deployment --- class: center, middle Appfog Cloud 66 Heroku AWS CodeDeploy Modulus Nodejitsu OpenShift cloudControl CloudFoundry RubyGems AWS OpsWorks PyPI Rackspace Cloud Files npm S3 Ninefold Engine Yard GitHub Releases Deis Hackage Google Cloud Storage --- `.travis.yml` ```yaml deploy: provider: heroku app: my-staging-app api_key: "HERKOU API KEY" on: branch: develop php: 5.6 ``` ??? Possible to encrypt secret data so it can be added to a public repo. --- `.travis.yml` ```yaml after_success: - bin/ ``` --- background-image: url(images/ci-skip.png) ## Skipping tests --- ## Retrying commands ```none before_script: - travis_retry composer install ``` --- ## Badges ```none
.svg ``` ```none ```   --- background-image: url(images/pricing.png) --- class: center, middle # Travis is cool ## Use it (or something like it) --- class: center, middle ## Questions? Please rate my talk  ``