class: center, middle # Generators ### Lazy, iterative goodness Ivan Habunek ZgPHP Meetup #46, Zagreb, 18.06.2015 --- class: center, middle ## Ivan Habunek ### @ihabunek ***Big Fish Software*** Sole developer and owner ***WebCamp Zagreb*** Co-organizer ***ZgPHP meetups*** Co-organizer Open source enthusiast --- background-image: url(images/generator.jpg) --- class: center, middle # Iterators --- ```php interface Iterator extends Traversable { abstract public current() abstract public key() abstract public next() abstract public rewind() abstract public valid() } ``` --- ```php interface Iterator extends Traversable { * abstract public current() abstract public key() abstract public next() abstract public rewind() abstract public valid() } ``` **current()** Returns the current element. --- ```php interface Iterator extends Traversable { abstract public current() * abstract public key() abstract public next() abstract public rewind() abstract public valid() } ``` **key()** Returns the key of the current element. --- ```php interface Iterator extends Traversable { abstract public current() abstract public key() * abstract public next() abstract public rewind() abstract public valid() } ``` **next()** Move forward to the next element. --- ```php interface Iterator extends Traversable { abstract public current() abstract public key() abstract public next() * abstract public rewind() abstract public valid() } ``` **rewind()** Rewind the Iterator to the first element. --- ```php interface Iterator extends Traversable { abstract public current() abstract public key() abstract public next() abstract public rewind() * abstract public valid() } ``` **valid()** Checks if current position is valid. --- class: center, middle # Use case #1: Reading file data --- ### Approach #1: Read file into memory ```php $lines = file('input.txt'); foreach ($lines as $line) { processLine($line); // Does some work } ``` --- ### Approach #1: Read file into memory ```php function getLines($file) { return file($file); } function processData($lines) { foreach ($lines as $line) { processLine($line); } } ``` ```php $lines = getLines('input.txt'); processData($lines); ``` --- ### Approach #1: Read file into memory .green[**Good**]: Separation of concerns .red[**Bad**]: Memory hog --- ### Approach #2: Iterate over file ```php $fp = fopen('input.txt', 'r'); while ($line = $fp->gets()) { processLine($line); } fclose($fp); ``` --- ### Approach #2: Iterate over file .green[**Good**]: Memory efficient .red[**Bad**]: Violates SRP --- class: center, middle ## Solution: use iterators --- ## Approach #3: File iterator .left-column[.text16[ ```php class FileIterator implements Iterator { /** File pointer. */ protected $fp; /** Current line (value) */ protected $line; /** Current line number (key) */ protected $no; public function __construct($file) { $this->fp = fopen($file, 'r'); } public function __destruct() { fclose($this->fp); } public function current() { return $this->line; } ``` ]] .right-column[.text16[ ```php public function key() { return $this->no; } public function next() { $this->line = fgets($this->fp); $this->no++; } public function rewind() { fseek($this->fp, 0); $this->line = fgets($this->fp); $this->no = 0; } public function valid() { return false !== $this->line; } } ``` ]] --- ## Approach #3: File iterator ```php class FileIterator implements Iterator { /** File pointer. */ protected $fp; /** Current line (value) */ protected $line; /** Current line number (key) */ protected $no; } ``` --- ## Approach #3: File iterator ```php class FileIterator implements Iterator { public function __construct($file) { $this->fp = fopen($file, 'r'); } public function __destruct() { fclose($this->fp); } } ``` --- ## Approach #3: File iterator ```php class FileIterator implements Iterator { public function next() { $this->line = fgets($this->fp); $this->no++; } public function rewind() { fseek($this->fp, 0); $this->line = fgets($this->fp); $this->no = 0; } public function valid() { return false !== $this->line; } } ``` --- ## Approach #3: File iterator ```php class FileIterator implements Iterator { public function current() { return $this->line; } public function key() { return $this->no; } } ``` --- ## Approach #3: File iterator ```php $it = new FileIterator($file); foreach ($it as $line) { processLine($line); } ``` --- ## Approach #3: File iterator ```php // Data generator function getLines($file) { return new FileIterator($file); } // Data consumer function processLines(Iterator $lineIterator) { foreach ($lineIterator as $line) { processLine($line); } } ``` --- background-image: url(images/square_wheels.jpg) class: center ### Don't reinvent the wheel --- ### SplFileInfo & SplFileObject ```php $fileInfo = new SplFileInfo(__FILE__); $fileObject = $fileInfo->openFile('r'); foreach ($fileObject as $line) { print_r($line); } ``` --- class: center, middle ## The thing with interators... ## ... so much code. --- ## Introducing generators ```php function generator() { yield 1; yield 2; yield 3; } ``` ```php $gen = generator(); foreach ($gen as $item) { echo $item; } ``` ```sh 123 ``` --- ## Introducing generators ```php function generator() { yield 1; yield 2; * return; yield 3; } ``` --- ## Introducing generators ```php function generator() { yield 1; yield 2; * return 4; yield 3; } ``` ```sh Fatal error: Generators cannot return values using "return" ``` --- ## Introducing generators ```php function getLines($file) { $fp = fopen($file, 'r'); while ($line = fgets($fp)) { yield $line; } fclose($fp); } ``` --- ## Introducing generators ```php function getLines($file) { $fp = fopen($file, 'r'); $no = 0; while ($line = $fp->gets()) { * yield $no => $line; $no += 1; } fclose($fp); } ``` --- ## Introducing generators ```php $lineGenerator = getLines($file); foreach ($lineGenerator as $line) { processLine($line); } ``` --- class: center, middle ## Syntax sugar, nothing more --- ## Generator advantages - simpler than iterators - faster than iterators* - easy to mock \* .text16[] --- ## Generator disadvantages - can be traversed only once - cannot be serialized - cannot be indexed (`ArrayAccess`) - cannot be used with `array_map` or `array_filter` --- ## Reverse generators ```php function logger($file) { $fp = fopen($file, 'a'); while (true) { * $line = yield; $fp->write($line); } } ``` ```php $w = logger('log.txt'); $w->send("foo"); $w->send("bar"); $w->send("baz"); ``` --- class: center, middle # Real world example ## API returning a lot of JSON data --- ### Sub-optimal approach ```php $data = $database->loadData(); $json = json_encode($data); echo $json; ``` --- ### Generator #1: Read data from database and yield rows. ```php function getRows(PDO $pdo) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM branche"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { yield $row; } } ``` --- ### Generator #1: Read data from database and yield rows. ```php function getRows(PDO $pdo) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM branche"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); * while ($row = $stmt->fetch()) { * yield $row; * } } ``` --- ### ~~Generator~~ #1: Read data from database and yield rows. ```php function getRows(PDO $pdo) { $sql = "SELECT * FROM branche"; $stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); return $stmt; } ``` --- ### ~~Generator~~ #1: Read data from database and yield rows. ```code16 [ "id" => "1", "brancheTyp_id" => "branche", "kategorie_id" => null, "topBranche" => "0", "numCards" => "409", "startChar" => "T", "name" => "Textilwaren und Bekleidung Einzelhandel", "linkName" => "textilwaren-und-bekleidung-einzelhandel", "alternativName" => null, "mediaVersion_id" => null, "mhp_id" => null, "beschreibung" => null, "created" => "2008-03-03 13:46:50", "lastmodify" => "2015-03-10 13:24:40", "login_id" => "465" ] ``` --- ### Generator #2: Iterates over rows, and yields API models. ```php function getModels(Iterator $rows) { foreach ($rows as $row) { yield [ 'id' => $row['id'], 'name' => $row['name'], 'slug' => $row['linkName'], ]; } } ``` --- ### Generator #2: Iterates over rows, and yields API models. ```code20 [ 'id' => '1', 'name' => 'Textilwaren und Bekleidung Einzelhandel', 'slug' => 'textilwaren-und-bekleidung-einzelhandel', ] ``` --- ### Generator #3: Iterates over models, and yields JSON chunks. ```php function getJson(Iterator $models) { yield "["; $first = true; foreach ($models as $model) { if (!$first) yield ","; $first = false; yield json_encode($model); } yield "]"; } ``` --- ```code16 [ ``` ```code16 { "id": "1", "name": "Textilwaren und Bekleidung Einzelhandel", "slug": "textilwaren-und-bekleidung-einzelhandel" } ``` ```code16 , ``` ```code16 { "id": "2", "name": "Textilwaren Einzelhandel", "slug": "textilwaren-einzelhandel" } ``` ```code16 , ``` ```code16 { "id": "3", "name": "Gest\u00fcte", "slug": "gestuete" } ``` ```code16 ] ``` --- ### Usage ```code20 // Database $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=sandbox", "ihabunek"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, 0); // Data wrangling $rows = getRows($pdo); $models = getModels($rows); $json = getJson($models); // Echo the data foreach ($json as $chunk) { echo $chunk; } flush(); ``` --- ### Usage ```code20 // Database $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=sandbox", "ihabunek"); *$pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, 0); // Data wrangling $rows = getRows($pdo); $models = getModels($rows); $json = getJson($models); // Echo the data foreach ($json as $chunk) { echo $chunk; } flush(); ``` --- ### Usage ```code20 // Database $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=sandbox", "ihabunek"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, 0); // Data wrangling *$rows = getRows($pdo); $models = getModels($rows); $json = getJson($models); // Echo the data foreach ($json as $chunk) { echo $chunk; } flush(); ``` --- ### Usage ```code20 // Database $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=sandbox", "ihabunek"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, 0); // Data wrangling $rows = getRows($pdo); *$models = getModels($rows); $json = getJson($models); // Echo the data foreach ($json as $chunk) { echo $chunk; } flush(); ``` --- ### Usage ```code20 // Database $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=sandbox", "ihabunek"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, 0); // Data wrangling $rows = getRows($pdo); $models = getModels($rows); *$json = getJson($models); // Echo the data foreach ($json as $chunk) { echo $chunk; } flush(); ``` --- ### Usage ```code20 // Database $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=sandbox", "ihabunek"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, 0); // Data wrangling $rows = getRows($pdo); $models = getModels($rows); $json = getJson($models); // Echo the data *foreach ($json as $chunk) { * echo $chunk; *} flush(); ``` --- ### More realistic usage ```code20 // Database $pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=localhost;dbname=sandbox", "ihabunek"); $pdo->setAttribute(PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_USE_BUFFERED_QUERY, 0); // Data wrangling $rows = getRows($pdo); $models = getModels($rows); $json = getJson($models); // Create a streamed response *$response = new Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\StreamedResponse(); *$response->setCallback(function () use ($json) { * foreach ($json as $chunk) { * echo $chunk; * } * flush(); *}); // Send $response->send(); ``` --- class: center, middle # Real world example ## Infinite series --- class: center, middle # Real world example ## Infinite(ish) series --- ### Range function ```php array range ( mixed $start, mixed $end, number $step = 1 ) ``` --- ### Sub-optimal approach ```php $range = range(0, 1E6); foreach ($range as $number) { // Do something } ``` --- ### Sub-optimal approach ```php $range = range(0, 1E6); foreach ($range as $number) { // Do something } ``` Memory usage (PHP 5.6): 68MB --- ### Sub-optimal approach ```php $range = range(0, 1E6); foreach ($range as $number) { // Do something } ``` Memory usage (PHP 5.6): 68MB Memory usage (PHP 7.0a1): 21MB --- ### Reimplement range as an Iterator .left-column[.text16[ ```php class XRange implements Iterator { private $max; private $min; private $position; private $step; public function __construct( $min, $max, $step = 1) { $this->max = $max; $this->min = $min; $this->position = $min; $this->step = $step; } function rewind() { $this->position = $this->min; } function current() { return $this->position; } ``` ]] .right-column[.text16[ ```php function key() { return $this->position; } function next() { $this->position += $this->step; } function valid() { return $this->position = $this->max; } } . ``` ]] --- ### Reimplement range using a generator ```php function xrange($min, $max, $step = 1) { for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i += $step) { yield $i; } } ``` --- ### Reimplement range using a generator ```php function xrange($min, $max, $step = 1) { for ($i = $min; $i <= $max; $i += $step) { yield $i; } } ``` Limited to PHP_INT_MAX (2,147,483,647) --- ### We can go further ```php function xrange($min, $max, $step = 1) { for ( $i = $min; bccmop($i, $max) < 0; $i = bcadd($i, $step) ) { yield $i; } } ``` --- ### We can go further ```php function xrange($min, $max, $step = 1) { for ( $i = $min; bccmop($i, $max) < 0; $i = bcadd($i, $step) ) { yield $i; } } ``` Limited to your memory. --- class: middle, center # Iterator functions --- ### iterator_apply — Call a function for every element in an iterator ```php $fun = function (Generator $gen) { $item = $gen->current(); // Do something with $item return true; }; $gen = xrange(1, 100); iterator_apply($gen, $fun, [$gen]); ``` * equivalent to `array_walk()` --- ### iterator_count — Count the elements in an iterators ```php $gen = xrange(1, 100); echo iterator_count($gen); ``` ```sh 100 ``` --- ### iterator_to_array — Copy the iterator into an array ```php $gen = xrange(1, 3); $array = iterator_to_array($gen); print_r($array); ``` ```sh Array ( [0] => 1 [1] => 2 [2] => 3 ) ``` --- class: center, middle # nikic/iter ## Iteration primitives using generators --- ### range ```php use function iter\range; range(0, 5); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 range(5, 0); // 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 range(0.0, 3.0, 0.5); // 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0 ``` --- ### take ```php take(5, range(0, PHP_INT_MAX)); // 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ``` --- ### map ```php use function iter\fn\operator; use function iter\map; map(operator('*', 2), [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]); // 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 ``` --- ### filter ```php use function iter\filter; use function iter\fn\operator; filter(operator('<', 0), [0, -1, -10, 7, 20, -5, 7]); // -1, -10, -5 ``` --- ### reduce ```php use function iter\filter; use function iter\fn\operator; echo reduce(operator('+'), range(1, 5), 0); // 15 echo reduce(operator('*'), range(1, 5), 1); // 120 ``` --- ### reindex ```code20 use function iter\fn\index; use function iter\reindex; $input = [ ['id' => 10, 'name' => 'Maja'], ['id' => 27, 'name' => 'Ivan'], ['id' => 39, 'name' => 'Pero'], ['id' => 42, 'name' => 'Luna'], ]; *reindex(index('id'), $input); ``` ```code20 [ 10 => ['id' => 10, 'name' => 'Maja'], 27 => ['id' => 27, 'name' => 'Ivan'], 39 => ['id' => 39, 'name' => 'Pero'], 42 => ['id' => 42, 'name' => 'Luna'], ]; ``` --- class: center, middle # Questions? ## Rate my talk!